





反种族主义是通过改变制度来识别和消除种族主义的积极过程, 组织结构, 政策、做法和态度, so that 权力 is redistributed and shared equitably (NAC International Perspectives: Women and Global Solidarity). 这是一种识别的实践, 具有挑战性的, 改变数值, 使系统性种族主义永久化的结构和行为.


文化种族主义指的是表征, messages and stories conveying the idea that behaviors and values associated with white people or “whiteness” are automatically “better” or more “normal” than those associated with other racially defined groups. 文化种族主义出现在广告中, 电影, 历史书, 爱国主义的定义, 在政策和法律方面. 文化种族主义也是维持内化霸权和内化种族主义制度的强大力量. 它通过影响关于什么是适当行为的集体信念来做到这一点, 什么被视为美, 以及对各种表现形式的重视. 所有这些在美国的文化规范和价值观.S. 有明确或隐含的种族化的理想和假设(例如, “裸色”作为一种颜色意味着什么, 哪些面部特征和体型被认为是美丽的, 哪些育儿方法被认为是合适的.)

来源: 种族平等工具


包括人们的所有不同之处, 它包含了使一个人或一个群体不同于另一个人或群体的所有不同特征.  它包罗万象,承认每个人和每个群体都是多样性的一部分,应该受到重视.  广义的定义不仅包括种族, 种族, 当提到“多样性”这个词时,人们最常想到的群体是性别,还有年龄, 国家的起源, 宗教, 残疾, 性取向, 社会经济地位, 教育, 婚姻状况, 语言, 以及外表.  它还涉及不同的想法、观点和价值观. 



它是研究压迫、统治或歧视的形式或系统之间的交集.  它开始于人们多重生活的前提, 源自社会关系的分层身份, 历史和权力结构的运作.  人们同时是不止一个社区的成员, 并且可以同时经历压迫和特权.g. 一名妇女可能是受人尊敬的医疗专业人员,但却在家中遭受家庭暴力).  交叉分析旨在揭示多重身份, exposing the different types of discrimination and disadvantage that occur as a consequence of the combination of identities.  它旨在解决种族主义的方式, 父权制, class oppression and other systems of discrimination create inequalities that structure the relative positions of women.  它考虑了历史因素, social and political contexts and also recognizes unique individual experiences resulting from the coming together of different types of identity.

例如, the experience of black women in Cape Town is qualitatively different than that of a white or indigenous woman in the same location.  类似的, 作为女同性恋者的经历, 老, 禁用, 可怜的, 来自北方, 和/或任何其他的恒等式, 是独一无二的身份和经历吗. 
妇女权利与经济变革. 二四年八月九日)


偏见是对某一特定群体的消极信念或感觉. 偏见往往是一代一代传下去的. 它被认为有不同的来源,其中主要是不同形式的恐惧. Stephan and Stephan's Integrated Threat Theory of 偏见 is inclusive of several different types of threat: the expectation that the other will do one harm; the perception that the different worldview of the other will create challenges to one's own; the presumption that interaction will lead to embarrassment, 拒绝, or ridicule; and the generation of fear of negative consequences as a result of negative stereotypes. They posit that several factors are likely to influence the degree to which an individual feels these sources of threat:
  • 认同:对自己群体的强烈认同;
  • 政策对个人产生负面影响的程度;
  • 个体以前与群体接触的数量和质量;
  • 个人对群体的了解;
  • 先前的群体间冲突
  • 个体所在群体与其他群体之间的地位差异程度.

来源:Dugan, Máire A.. “偏见." 除了棘手 . Eds. 盖伊·伯吉斯和海蒂·伯吉斯. 科罗拉多大学博尔德分校冲突信息联盟. 发布日期:2004年1月.


Racial color-blindness refers to the belief that racism is a thing of the past and that race no longer plays a role in understanding people’s lived experience. There is a great deal of commonality across cultures; however, the color-blind perspective dismisses potential differences based on racial 小组成员hip and downplays how these differences may shape human experiences. This limited awareness of the manifestation of race and racism in society is the foundation for most conceptualizations of racial color-blindness.

来源: 不分肤色的种族意识形态


种族偏见 + 权力 系统和制度= 种族歧视 (误用 权力 按制度和机构划分)

“种族主义”一词专指个人, 文化, 机构 and systemic ways by which differential consequences are created for groups historically or currently defined as white being advantaged, 以及历史上或目前被定义为非白人(非洲人)的群体, 亚洲, 拉美裔, 印第安人, 等.)处于不利地位.

这一观点与那些将种族主义定义为偏见加权力的人是一致的,这是该领域的一个常用短语. Combining the concepts of prejudice and 权力 points out the mechanisms by which racism leads to different consequences for different groups. The relationship and behavior of these interdependent elements has allowed racism to recreate itself generation after generation, such that systems that perpetuate racial inequity no longer need racist actors or to explicitly promote racial differences in opportunities, 维持这些差异的结果和后果.

来源:  种族平等工具:核心概念


各国有法律义务承认和处理普遍或系统的侵犯人权行为, 国家造成违法行为或未认真制止违法行为的. 赔偿倡议旨在解决这些侵犯行为造成的伤害. 可以采取赔偿损失的形式, 这有助于克服一些虐待的后果. They can also be future oriented—providing rehabilitation and a better life to victims—and help to change the underlying causes of abuse. 赔偿公开确认受害者是有权获得补救的权利持有人.

来源: 国际过渡时期司法中心


刻板印象 can be defined as associations and beliefs about the characteristics and attributes of a group and its members that shape how people think about 并回应 the group. 它可以是积极的,消极的,或者中性的. 基于性别、种族或职业的刻板印象在许多社会中很常见.

刻板印象代表了反映一个群体本质的一系列品质. 它系统地影响着人们的感知方式, 处理信息, 并回应, 小组成员. 它们通过社会化、媒体、语言和话语传播.

来源: 偏见、刻板印象和歧视


  1. 指的是毫无疑问的、不劳而获的优势, 权利, 仅仅因为他们是白人而给予他们的利益和选择. 一般来说,享有这种特权的白人是在没有意识到的情况下这样做的.
  2. 结构性白人特权: A system of white domination that creates and maintains belief systems that make current racial advantages and disadvantages seem normal. 这一体系包含了维护白人特权及其后果的强大动机, and 权力ful negative consequences for trying to interrupt white privilege or reduce its consequences in meaningful ways. 该系统包括个人的内部和外部表现, 人际关系, 文化和制度层面. 

The accumulated and interrelated advantages and disadvantages of white privilege that are reflected in racial/ethnic inequities in life-expectancy and other health outcomes, 收入,财富和其他结果, 部分原因是获得机会和资源的途径不同. These differences are maintained in part by denying that these advantages and disadvantages exist at the structural, 机构, 文化, 人际和个人层面,拒绝纠正或消除这些制度, 政策, 实践, 文化规范和其他维持它们的行为和假设.

  • 人际白人特权有意识或无意识地反映白人优越感或权利的人与人之间的行为. 
  • 白人文化特权一套关于什么是好的主流文化假设, normal or appropriate that reflects Western European white world views and dismisses or demonizes other world views. 
  • 制度性白人特权:政策, 机构的实践和行为——比如学校, 银行, non-profits or the Supreme Court -- that have the effect of maintaining or increasing accumulated advantages for those groups currently defined as white, 维持或增加那些非白人种族或族裔群体的劣势. 机构生存和发展的能力,即使他们的政策, 实践和行为保持, 扩大或未能纠正有色人种累积的不利条件和/或不公平的结果.


  1. 白人特权 and Male Privilege: A Personal Account of Coming to See Correspondences Through Work in Women Studies . 佩吉·麦金托什. 1988.
  2. 转变白人特权:21世纪的领导能力 , CAPD, MP Associates, World Trust 教育 Services, 2012.



白人至上是有历史依据的, 剥削和压迫大陆的制度体系, nations and peoples of color by white peoples and nations of the European continent; for the purpose of maintaining and defending a system of wealth, 权力与特权.

来源: 挑战白人至上工作坊——莎伦·马蒂娜斯. 第四次修改. 1995.


仇外心理是一种态度, 情感, 以及对移民和被视为外国人的行为偏见. The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary’s definition of xenophobia as the “fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign” highlights that the term has been historically used to emphasize a sense of fright of outsiders.

然而, more recent definitions of xenophobia suggest that the fear of foreigners and their impact is linked with ethnocentrism, which is characterized by the attitude that one’s own group or culture is superior to others (Merriam-Webster Online, n.d.). V. Reyn老s and Vine (1987) stated that xenophobia is a “psychological state of hostility or fear towards outsiders” (p. 28). Crowther (1995) emphasized that xenophobia focuses on individuals who come from “other countries” and toward whom native individuals have “an intense dislike or fear” (p. 1385).

来源: 仇外心理:理解对移民的消极态度的根源和后果

来源: 交叉性:性别和经济正义的工具